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Make you own choice

Cast your vote based on the issues, not on advertising.

Dear editor,

Well, election season is here again, the Provincial Division Finals. Everyone tends to get a little crazy at this time, so this is when I shut my mouth and stop talking politics. Ask me any other time of the year about a policy, a party, or a candidate and I’m more than happy to share my wisdom.

Now is the time, though, for everyone to decide for themselves. And please don’t vote for the one with the nicest haircut. And definitely don’t vote for someone just because they seem to be able to afford the most advertising.

I have a simple credo: Tax fairly, spend wisely. It seems to me to be a pretty simple concept to grasp, and can work with just about any of the parties. Yet they seem to all get it wrong.

Voting day is May 14 so do your best to be an active participant (activist?), and when it’s all over, come over and buy a cup of coffee from me and we can talk about it.

Donald J. Allen

Port Hardy