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Executive Director of Galgapothla Family Services receives award from RCMP

Salla Sukow works locally with the Port Hardy RCMP and emergency services to provide cultural training and awareness

On Thursday, Dec. 12, the E Division Commanding Officer, represented by A/Inspector Steve Pebernat and Sgt Michael Carey, presented Salla Sukow with a Certificate of Appreciation for all of her work and input as an Advisor with the RCMP Indigenous Cultural Advisory Committee (ICAC).

Sukow, the Executive Director of Galgapothla Family Services, provided meaningful insight and suggestions to the ICAC in order to ensure the RCMP can make changes that are of value and represent the needs of the communities they serve. She is continuing her work locally with the Port Hardy RCMP and other emergency services to provide cultural training and awareness specific to the people they serve. Her commitment to these initiatives is commendable and we truly appreciate what she has done to help shape the future of the RCMP in this division.

The mandate of the ICAC included (but was not limited):

To discuss and advise on solutions on how to foster stable, stronger and vibrant Indigenous communities throughout the Province of B.C. (“E” Division);

To explore culturally appropriate strategies to address crime and policing issues in Indigenous communities;

To advise on cultural protocols, traditional practices, ceremonial etiquette;

Exchanging ideas and providing feedback on RCMP education and training initiatives that concern Indigenous people in B.C.; and

To act as a conduit between Indigenous communities, community stakeholders and the RCMP, when situations warrant, contributing to the historical special relationship between the RCMP and Indigenous peoples.