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Op-Ed: Salmon farming in B.C. – that was then, this is now

Op-Ed: Salmon farming in B.C. – that was then, this is now

Many local entrepreneurs along B.C.’s coast showed interest in salmon farming in the 1980s.
Editorial: A sad day for journalism

Editorial: A sad day for journalism

You don’t know what you got till it’s gone
Kervin’s Corner: Indigenous First Nations Protests Against Fish Farms Might Not Be Unanimous

Kervin’s Corner: Indigenous First Nations Protests Against Fish Farms Might Not Be Unanimous

This is just to say that we can’t simply assume all First Nations are against it.
“Let’s Talk Forests” tour finds desire for old-growth protection and Indigenous & community control of forests

“Let’s Talk Forests” tour finds desire for old-growth protection and Indigenous & community control of forests

“The meetings were well-attended and full of passionate people.”
A Brush with Henschel: First Ice

A Brush with Henschel: First Ice

This painting was done from sketches in the high country where the trees were still brilliant.
A Brush with Henschel: The Nimpkish at Lookout Mountain

A Brush with Henschel: The Nimpkish at Lookout Mountain

I did a sketch of this scene and painted a finished watercolour from it just lately.
Debate on Vancouver Island’s old growth forests must be based on facts, not emotions

Debate on Vancouver Island’s old growth forests must be based on facts, not emotions

The difficulty with any conversation about old growth forests begins with the definition.
Op-Ed: Let’s have the hard conversations about forests on Vancouver Island

Op-Ed: Let’s have the hard conversations about forests on Vancouver Island

The vast majority of Vancouver Island’s original forest has been logged.
Letter to the Editor: We live off the backs of those who go before us

Letter to the Editor: We live off the backs of those who go before us

“It makes me angry hearing school board employees selling insurance.”
Our View: Fish farm issues are a big deal

Our View: Fish farm issues are a big deal

Whatever side of the fence you fall on, fish farms are an important issue that need to be discussed.