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Upload your videos to our website!

Have a really cool video you want to share? Upload it today at !

The North Island Gazette wants to show your videos to our readers.

Our new web platform has great video capability and we know that many people out there are capturing great video images with their cell phones or their cameras.

If you’ve got something interesting then let’s readers see it.

It could be a spectacular shot of an eagle catching a fish right out of the ocean.

Or maybe your friend bowls a perfect game at the local bowling alley and you manage to catch one of the strikes.

Or, maybe it’s just a beautiful sunset at the beach that you capture.

On the other hand, you may have been the first on the scene of a dramatic news event.

Or you were in the stands for that championship final that gave your child’s team the gold medal.

Whatever it is, send it to us by email ( or upload it directly to us via our website here.

We’ll prepare your video for viewing and then post it. Easy.

Tyson Whitney

About the Author: Tyson Whitney

I have been working in the community newspaper business for nearly a decade, all of those years with Black Press Media.
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