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Update-Port Hardy forest fire

An update on a forest fire that began July 3 in Port Hardy
A police officer directs residents evacuating two residential streets in Port Hardy as a forest fire burned nearby July 3.

The efforts to control a forest fire begun on July 3 in the Port Hardy area continue a day later. The fire includes an initial fire measuring 8 hectares, and a spot fire measuring 1 hectare as of 8:30 a.m. this morning. Ground crews are at work trying to keep the fire from spreading, and helicopters have been applying water to the area throughout the day. The fire began in the Tsulquate River area outside of Port Hardy.

The fire, classified as a high risk ground fire by the Coastal Fire Centre, burned through the night but did not damage any structures. Mike McCulley, engineering specialist from the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources, said that they are assessing the state of the fire throughout the day and adding crews and additional equipment as necessary.

McCulley said that it is hard to tell at this point if the fire is growing. “We are trying to prioritize the safety of the residents and the first responders,” McCulley said. He added that at this stage, the dryness of the forests, the wind increasing, and the hot weather is adding complications. No additional evacuations have been announced since last night.