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Why Moen thinks she's the best candidate

Sue Moen

3. What qualifications do you possess that make you the best candidate to represent the people of Vancouver Island North in parliament?

I have 35 years experience in the private and nonprofit sectors. I’ve been a small business owner and consultant; I’ve volunteered and had paid work doing everything necessary to achieve missions of a variety of agencies within limited resources. I have managed budgets where every nickel counted; recruited, trained, retained and recognized hundreds of paid and unpaid workers. I’ve negotiated with governments, with foundations and private investors and donors. I’ve developed and implemented client-centered programming and agencies and have the flexibility to change – ideas, processes, and short term objectives – as dictated by both internal and external pressures while keeping true to a vision.

I have the passion (without which there is no compassion) to work to create a world where equality and social justice is the norm; where every child is born into a safe, clean and healthy community and has what is needed to live and eventually die with dignity.  I know there are millions of Canadians who envision that world too and I have the ability to listen to and learn from them and facilitate cooperation and collaboration to achieve goals.  I can also make decisions and take action if the need is urgent, as with global climate change. I am confident in my ability to recruit and recognize learned people for advice and in my habit of life-long learning to understand, weigh and parse all sides of a discussion; see the big picture and all the complexities contained therein. I am pragmatic, practical, and ever the optimist.