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Back in the saddle

Back in the saddle

Gerry Furney is in his fifth decade of public service

But will it work on the North Island?

Buying alternative fuel cars is not only good for the environment, but cheap too.
Home saved from dip in the ocean

Home saved from dip in the ocean

PORT HARDY-Volunteers help Fort Rupert resident salvage belongings as tidal surge, high winds threaten coastal home

Job action alters school holiday concerts

Events moved to school-based assemblies during instructional hours
More needed this year than last

More needed this year than last

The North Island Gazette Hamper Fund is well short of the money it needs this year to help everyone who needs it
Offender programs fall short, auditor says

Offender programs fall short, auditor says

The B.C. government is struggling to deal with a record caseload of nearly 24,000 convicted offenders who aren't in jail.
U.S. lawyer heads B.C. police oversight

U.S. lawyer heads B.C. police oversight

The B.C. government has hired the former police oversight specialist from Denver as its first civilian director.
BC Ferries appoints new president

BC Ferries appoints new president

BC Ferries' board of directors has appointed senior executive Michael Corrigan to replace outgoing CEO David Hahn.
Missing senior found deceased

Missing senior found deceased

Passing motorist spots missing man's vehicle down an embankment
Missing Port Hardy man found deceased in car

Missing Port Hardy man found deceased in car

A search for a missing 81-year-old Port Hardy man who vanished while driving home from a trip down island ended tragically Tuesday morning.