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Caring doctor maligned

Re: Doctor disciplined, April 21.

I imagine you thought the story about our wonderful, caring physician here on the North Island was too good to pass up.  Interesting that you put the bold-typed headline "Doctor disciplined" over the less-emphasized story of the woman found not guilty in the death of her husband.

The copy makes Dr. Clelland sound like a common criminal.  It would be interesting to see what sort of an article would come out of the experience of one of your reporters following this so-caring person around for a week or so.  Her beat covers Kingcome Inlet, Rivers Inlet, Zeballos, Sointula and Campbell River, where she runs a methadone clinic, not to mention keeping office hours in Port McNeill.

How rare it is that we find a good, old-fashioned doctor who will return a phone call, even if it is 10 p.m.  That's Dr. Clelland.

Much of her work is with drug-addicted patients and she is constantly studying to update her knowledge of addiction therapy.

She is a loving, caring family doctor.  What more is there to say?

Alice and Charles Ray
