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Teachers may be forced to walk

At what point does banging your head against a brick wall become less an exercise in attempted communication and more about personal harm?

Dear editor:

At what point does banging your head against a brick wall become less an exercise in attempted communication and more about personal harm?

After 73 sessions of bargaining in good faith with the BC Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA) with a total lack of progress, that time is rapidly approaching.

B.C. teachers have steadfastly attempted negotiation, including tabling a reduced package.

B.C. teachers have made concessions.

B.C. teachers remain committed to improving public education.

BCPSEA continues to refuse to engage in any meaningful negotiation because they are tied to a government mandate that is inflexible and designed to strip more collective bargaining rights from teachers.

The employer claims to want more flexibility and choice in the education system, yet they do not allow for any flexibility in bargaining.

What wonderful hypocrisy!  Unless BCPSEA gets a new mandate from the government, B.C. teachers will face no other choice but to stop banging our heads and walk away from the wall.

Shawn Gough

Sunset Elementary School teacher

Local Representative to the BCTF