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Corey's vision realized: Parents of Port Hardy fisherman donate display

Thursday night Corey's father, Brian, unveiled Corey's Sea Wall to the public at the wine and cheese celebration marking the completion of phase two of the Centre's exhibition hall. Dozens of unique species preserved by Mike Moss of BC Wildlife Studios grace the exhibit donated by Brian and Elizabeth Hayes in memory of their son.
Posing beside the display he and his wife

Corey Hayes had always planned to have his collection of North Island sea creatures displayed in his home one day. He died before he could realize his vision.

His collection lives on, however. It will entertain and inform visitors to the Quatse Salmon Stewardship Centre for many years to come.

Thursday night Corey's father, Brian, unveiled Corey's Sea Wall to the public at the wine and cheese celebration marking the completion of phase two of the Centre's exhibition hall. Dozens of unique species preserved by Mike Moss of BC Wildlife Studios grace the exhibit donated by Brian and Elizabeth Hayes in memory of their son.

Corey gathered the collection while diving for sea urchins to supply the Japanese market early in the first decade of 2000, said his father.

"When he saw a specimen that he didn't have he'd pick it up as part of his diving career," said Brian. "He had this design (sea wall display) in mind for an extension on his house."

Corey Hayes died in 2007 of natural causes. He was a well respected North Island commercial diver and  fishing guide.


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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