The Family Fishing Society of BC and the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC are inviting everyone to come out rain or shine to enjoy a day of angling this weekend with free fishing licenses as part of a plan to get more British Columbians hooked on fishing.
BC’s Family Fishing Weekend is a great opportunity to attend an organized community event, or create your own family fishing adventure at one the province’s thousands of lakes with a free three-day licence, compliments of the province.
This year, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans is also offering free saltwater fishing licenses.
Events will be held on Vancouver Island at the Government Pier in Port Hardy, Discovery Pier in Campbell River, Fuller Lake in Chemanius, the Courtenay Fish and Game Club, Mayo Lake in Duncan, Star Lake in Gold River, O’Conner Lake and Village Bay Lake on Quadra Island, as well as Shawnigan Lake and the Malahat Outdoor Sports Centre north of Victoria.
Organizers say Family Fishing Weekend has introduced thousands of people to the sport. and this weekend is a perfect time to become a "Fishing Buddy" and pledge to introduce at least one friend to fishing. Both the Family Fishing Weekend and the Fishing Buddies Program share the goal of encouraging British Columbians to enjoy B.C.'s world class sport fishing opportunities.
“For many B.C. families, Family Fishing Weekend marks the unofficial start of summer,” said Forest, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Minister Steve Thomson.
“A free weekend of fishing is a great way to encourage families to get out and enjoy sport fishing in lakes and rivers across British Columbia."
Added Owen Bird, executive director of the Family Fishing Society of BC: "These events offer a great opportunity to learn how to fish and provide lots of useful educational information in a fun and supervised environment.
“The hundreds of volunteers who organize and participate in these events are passionate about fishing and even more passionate about passing on their love of the sport — they really are the heart of Family Fishing Weekend.”
Family Fishing Weekend is also a great opportunity to take advantage of the warm weather and combine fishing adventures with a weekend of camping.
There are many easily accessible, public and private campsites in close proximity to fishing destinations on Vancouver Island and more information on camping destinations can be found at