What happened to Tyson’s Thoughts last Thursday?
Tyson apparently had no thoughts.
Tyson might have been struggling with putting words to paper.
Tyson might also be writing this entire editorial in the third-person narrative.
Just kidding. That would not only be time consuming, but also incredibly annoying. Put your hand up if you actually like people that talk about themselves in the third-person.
I see no hands, so I will take that as a confirmation that third-person talkers aren't well liked.
Anyways, enough with the small talk introduction, time to get back on track here.
Hockey season is on the horizon and I literally cannot wait to hit up the Tri-Port rinks and catch some fast paced, exciting games.
Whether it’s the North Island Eagles, the North Island Capitals, the Bantam/Midget Wild, or random house league games, it doesn’t matter to me, hockey is hockey and watching hockey is always time well spent.
There’s nothing quite like freezing your toes off in an ice cold arena, eating junk food, drinking coffee, and watching athletes blast the puck up and down the rink.
I’ve been asked a few times what my favourite part of my job is, and I always answer “getting paid to watch sports”.
Most of my favourite memories from the two years I’ve spent here at the Gazette are from attending the local year-round sporting events.
Talk about some great moments.
It’s not only about hockey, though. I also enjoy covering curling, golf, soccer, skateboarding, and slo-pitch/fastball games.
If the Tri-Port still had high school wrestling programs I’d cover that, too.
Speaking of tournaments, I attended the Seven Hills “Clay Jones Memorial” Men’s Open last weekend for the second year in a row, and it was a great time.
The weather for the most part held up, with only a couple of small rain showers during the two days, and I got to see some incredible golf shots made on what is a pretty darn tough course to play.
I think the men’s open has to be the hardest local sports tournament to win outright. Physically, golf might not be the most demanding sport, but mentally, it is unreal how challenging it can be.
If you’re not careful, one bad shot during the tournament can easily end your chances of winning low gross/low net.
The pressure to come through when it matters must feel like you’re carrying a thousand bricks on your shoulders.
It was pretty cool to see Jeff Bood finally win the tournament after playing in it for 21 years, that kind of dedication to competing at a local sporting event is unreal.
It makes me think back on all the times I quit on myself when things got tough, instead of pushing through. I guess the moral of this editorial is to never quit on yourself, no matter how tough the road ahead of you might seem.
Check out www.northislandgazette.com every Thursday for more Tyson’s Thoughts.