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Lots to smile about! Trips to the dentist can go this smoothly

No matter your age, Port Hardy Dental Centre keeps your best health in mind
Dr. Pulkit Jaiswal, dentist at the Port Hardy Dental Centre, works with new and existing patients to develop strategies for maintaining good oral health.

Do you find yourself waiting until you’re in pain to book an appointment with your dentist?

Some simple steps can help you avoid the need for emergency treatment, says Dr. Pulkit Jaiswal, dentist at Port Hardy Dental Centre. He focuses on preventive dentistry as a way to keep patients’ dental issues from “going to the next level” and potentially affecting your overall health.

“I see a lot of patients who haven’t been to the dentist for several years or more,” he says, “and some people believe that if there’s no pain, there’s no problem. If you see the dentist regularly you can help prevent smaller issues from developing into larger problems.”

It’s never too late to start flossing

While it’s best to start a routine of flossing regularly and brushing twice a day when you’re a child, as an adult you’ll almost immediately enjoy the benefits once you commit to it, Dr. Jaiswal says.

“Brushing alone doesn’t remove all of the food or plaque that is between the teeth,” he says. “Most of the major decay for patients happens between the teeth, so we focus on flossing. A healthy diet also plays a role in good dental health, and eating fibre helps clean your teeth better. Sugars just stick to your teeth and cause decay.”

Oral health points to your overall health

Maintaining good oral health can help protect you from other complications, he says. “We see many patients who have heart conditions or other health issues. When they have plaque buildup and gum problems, I like to tell them that ‘everything that is in your mouth is going inside your body and it can affect your heart and other organs.’”

Whether you’re a new or existing patient at Port Hardy Dental Centre, Dr. Jaiswal and his staff will regularly assess you, looking for everything from tooth and gum decay that may be in its initial stages, to indicators of other health conditions such as oral cancers or diabetes.

Little ones get special treatment

Bringing your children in when they’re one or two – no matter how many teeth they have – is a good way to get them used to regular trips to the dentist and to teach them good habits, Dr. Jaiswal says. “If the kids get into a habit of brushing and flossing at an early age, they tend to retain that habit lifelong.”

From receptionist Jessica, to hygienists Yan and Elizabeth, to dental assistant Clancy, the team at Port Hardy Dental are sensitive to the needs of not just young patients, but people at any age.


The Centre always accepts new patients, and welcomes those on Ministry of Children and Family Development and First Nations dental plans. Call 250-949-6070 or contact the Centre online to book an appointment. You can also follow the Centre on Facebook.

Port Hardy Dental Centre receptionist Jessica Macy greets patients when they come in to this modern dental office.