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District says no to erecting wind turbine blade

The Port Hardy Rotary Club has shown an interest in the project and may help with funding.
HANNA PETERSEN PHOTO The District of Port Hardy has declined to get involved in wind turbine blade project, citing the costs involved.

The District of Port Hardy will not be taking part in the erection of a wind turbine blade as a tribute to the Cape Scott wind farm.

The Operational Services Committee had a meeting with project manager Rick Milligan, with the following minutes being listed:

Milligan advised the blade has been brought to Port Hardy, the transportation provided by Vestas. The 50 meter long blade was damaged at the site, never installed and is now undergoing minor repairs. Milligan advised the cost estimated to install the blade would be between $15,000-$25,000 depending on the site chosen, and would include concrete work and crane rental if needed;

The Port Hardy Rotary Club has shown an interest in the project and may help with funding;

Local heavy duty equipment companies will help with the installation;

A municipal site is preferred as private property can be sold and the blade may be no longer wanted on the site;

For wind farm use, life expectancy of the blade is 25 years and it could last much longer in a better environment;

Vestas may provide mount designs;

Upon completion, the site would become district responsibility. Maintenance costs discussed include cleaning and graffiti removal.

Milligan concluded by commenting that the blade is at a good location for now and the decision to proceed with the project and the site selection lies with the district.

“Seeing as how in our budget process we cut monies to a bunch of stuff, we knew we would not be able to afford to fund this project ourselves,” said Coun. Rick Marcotte at the district’s last council meeting, adding if the people behind the project wanted to come back with other options they are more than welcome.

Port Hardy council agreed to contact the people behind the project and thank them for the opportunity, but they will not be proceeding with erecting the wind turbine blade as a display.

Tyson Whitney

About the Author: Tyson Whitney

I have been working in the community newspaper business for nearly a decade, all of those years with Black Press Media.
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