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Old Age Security increase motion not moving forward

North Island-Powell River MP Rachel Blaney moved to increase OAS for all seniors
NDP leader Jagmeet Singh (left) tours the Campbell River Food Bank with North Island-Powell River MP Rachel Blaney during Singh’s visit to the riding on Jan. 23. Photo by Marc Kitteringham/Campbell River Mirror

A motion made by North Island-Powell River MP Rachel Blaney to increase Old Age Security for all qualifying seniors regardless of age did not pass a vote in the house of commons.

Blaney made the motion, saying that costs of living are increasing for all Canadians, regardless of age.

“It isn’t okay that senior Canadians are struggling in poverty,” Blaney said. “Especially now that everything is so expensive, the last thing we should do is have a two-tiered system. All seniors face inflation and rising cost of living, not just those over 75 years of age.”

In 2022, seniors aged 75 and up were given a 10 per cent increase to their OAS benefit in 2022. Blaney was advocating to extend those increases to all OAS recipients, but the motion did not move forward.

“There are so many seniors living in poverty, at risk of homelessness or currently unhoused, without food and not able to afford the basic necessities of life,” said Blaney. “There’s a bar of dignity we should expect in Canada and there are far too many people below it. I will continue pushing the government to help Canadians obtain the financial support they need.”

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Marc Kitteringham

About the Author: Marc Kitteringham

I joined Black press in early 2020, writing about the environment, housing, local government and more.
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