The process to close Woss Lake Elementary School is now complete. At their meeting April 11, the School District No. 85 board, unanimously, gave third and final reading to the bylaw which will see the facility close effective June 30, 2016.
The issue is there are only four students registered for the 2016/17 school year.It costs in the neighbourhood of $180,000 to run the school. The financial break-even point is seven students. At that point, money allocated for other schools needs to be used to make up the shortfall.
"The Board has expressed its commitment to re-open a facility in the community if sufficient numbers are reached. The Board continues to point to 'seven' students as that number," said School District #85 Superintendent of Schools Scott Benwell.
A board may, subject to the orders of the Minister of Education open, close or re-open a school permanently or for a specific period of time.