Photos sent to the Gazette show a significant water leak that is happening on Mine Road in Port McNeill, near the Petro Canada and the Pioneer Place complex.
“A few months ago the leak was much smaller and only contributed to a small puddle of water,” said Keira Pfaff via email, adding the town was contacted “several times, and several weeks later they approached the water situation to only worsen the matter.”
According to Pfaff, after the town played around with the water lines, the water started to pool out even more, resulting in a pond at the entrance of Pioneer Place, which has now been there for approximately three weeks.
“The fire hydrant is now out of service and is the closest fire hydrant that serves Petro Canada and the complex,” said Pfaff. “Residents of the town are concerned about the amount of water wastage and the potential damage to the complex structure.”
Port McNeill’s Public Works Foreman, Julian Allen, said the town is aware of the issue.
“Basically, the problem is the isolation valve off of the water main that feeds the hydrant,” said Allen. “The valve appears to have failed.”
He confirmed the valve has had a minor leak for some time, “and attempts were made to stop the leak, which unfortunately resulted in the leak getting worse.”
Allen said the town has a plan in place to fix the issue, which will include having to excavate part of Mine Road in order to access the faulty valve, and is tentatively scheduled for repair next month.