Check out this week’s North Island Gazette’s Hot Spots to find out what is going on around the North Island.
Port Hardy
- Toastmasters at the North Island College every Wednesday at 7 p.m.
- Meat draws every Saturday at 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. at the Port Hardy Royal Canadian Legion. Contact Don at 250-949-5103 for more information.
- North Island Cancer Support Group meets every third Thursday of the month at the Hardy Bay Senior Citizen’s Centre from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Contact Tracy Smyth at 250-902-0670 for more information.
September 12
- An award winning documentary called Angry Inuk, about seal hunting in Inuit communities, will be shown at the Port Hardy Civic Centre. Passes available at Cafe Guido & Co.
Port McNeill
- Port Hardy Museum open 10:00 am to 5:00 pm daily; Ned Frigon, Fur Trade exhibit open until Sept. 30.
September 8
- Community Futures BBQ for the North Island Gazette Hamper Fund at the Community Futures building.
- North Island Farmers and Artisans Market at the Port McNeill Harbour Office Waterfront. From 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Please contact Neva Perrott at 250-902-8295 or for more information. Come check out the locally made or grown goodies offered by your favourite vendors!
September 9-10
- The Mount Waddington Regional Fall Fair will be at the Chilton Regional Arena in Port McNeill Sept. 9-10 this year. Like any traditional Fall Fair, there are agricultural, food and craft exhibits that wow and inspire. This year’s theme is “The Great Bear Rainforest”.
September 13
- An award winning documentary called Angry Inuk, about seal hunting in Inuit communities, will be shown at the Gate House Theatre. Passes available at Flora Borealis.
September 17
- North Island Community Choir first rehearsal at the A-Frame Bookstore from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. For more information contact Marcia O’Neil 250-230-4398 or
Port Alice
- Community Market every Saturday from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
- Preschool Storytime at the Port McNeill Library. 2 – 2:30 pm, the Second Thursday of every month.
September 30
- Diamond Forever a Neil Diamond tribute at the Port Alice Royal Canadian Legion. Tickets are $25 dollars and doors open at 6:00 pm and the show starts at 7:30 pm.
Vancouver Island Regional Library September Events:
- ·Homework Help for kids. Come and find out how we can help your school years. 6:30-7:30 pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays, Sept, 12, 14, 26 and 28 at the Sointula Public Library. Ages 10 – 17 years.
- ·Post It Art Show! Create artwork for our Post It Art Show at the Woss Public Library. Create and Post from September 1 – 30, then join in on the voting from Oct 1 – 14. The People’s Choice Post It will be announced Oct. 16. Prizes for adults and children. Materials provided.
- Post It Art Show! Create artwork for our Post It Art Show at the Port McNeill Library, September 18 – 30th. Materials provided.
- Stuffie Sleepover for Kids at the Port Hardy Public Library! Drop in with your Stuffy for a storytime and craft, then leave your Stuffy overnight at the Library. Come back later in the week to see what mischief they’ve been up to! Thurs., Sept. 21 from 5 – 6 pm.