Lions Gate, Lemare Lake and Gwa’Nak Resources gives notice and invites comments on a proposed Major Amendment to their Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) (approved June 13, 2022) to incorporate changes made to comply with the July 27, 2023 Great Bear Rainforest Land Use Objective Order (GBRO). This amendment covers areas within the Great Bear Rainforest, South Central Coast area within the North Island Central Coast Natural Resource District.

This draft FSP amendment will be available for review and comment for a 60-day period. We wish to invite all members of the public, other tenure holders, professionals, Guide Outfitters and Trappers, plus other interested parties to review the FSP and provide input. To ensure consideration, written comments must be received no later than March 22, 2024, when the review and comment period will expire. The FSP may be adjusted as a result of written comments prior to submission and approval by the Province.
To request information, request an in-person review of the FSP and/or to provide comments prior to March 22, 2024, please address, to the attention of:
Contact and Address for Written Comments:
Ione Brown, RPF Email: ibhecate@gmail.com Phone: 1 250 902-9604 |
C/O Gwa’Nak Resources Ltd Box 609, Port McNeill, BC V0N 2R0 |