In loving memory of
Janet Caroline?Powell (nee: Bell) Tla-Tla Gwotl
March 9, 1935
June 2, 1999
Five years ago today, we lost our dear,?beloved, mother/grandmother/great grandmother. She touched the lives of each and every individual who had the pleasure to know her. Some days, it feels like just yesterday we lost her, others, like an eternity. Several of her special and unique traits, body language and actions have genuinely been inherited to her offspring and down the line! She would be so proud of each and every one of us. She was certainly an inspiration to us all and always told us to strive to be the best we can be and to be proud of who we are and where we come from. She taught us to love one another and always look out for each other. Words can never express how much we love you and miss you mom. Good-bye to our great and understanding listener/confidante, wise, knowledgeable teacher filled with wisdom and patience. Good-bye to special hugs, talks, road trips, wonderful stories, lectures on life, and the strongest person we knew as the backbone of the family. With love from all of her “Gwa-li-yoos” daughter Julia; sons John, Jim, Harold, Sheldon; grandchildren Jennifer, Emily, Gina, Tamara, Josie, Jordan, Justin, Khoral (deceased), Shaymis and great granddaughters Janet and Aaliyah, and all those that she took under her wing as her own. Until we meet again.