DURKIN, Michael Eric, born May 3, 1944, Overton, Hants., England; died suddenly at home in Port Alice, BC on Friday, Nov. 15, 2002. He is survived by his loving family: wife Mary, daughters Megan (Rod), grandchildren Mikaela and Riley of Nanaimo and Moira (Butch) of Campbell River and family members in England, including 2 sisters, Veronica and Barbara and their families. Mike’s long involvement with any volunteer project in Port Alice and with Legion, Golf Club and especially Lions will long be remembered by all in the community and beyond. Mike lived each day to the fullest; May he rest in peace. A celebration of his life was held on November 20 in Port Alice. If anyone so wishes, tax deductible donations to the Mike Durkin Memorial Bursary Fund will be greatly appreciated. They may be sent to Port Alice Lions Club, Box 612, Port Alice, BC V0N 2N0