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EDITORIAL: Clark out of touch

One has to question why the premier was receiving a financial boost from her party

The B.C. Liberals have been hit by several donation-related scandals in the last few months.

Most damning is the RCMP investigation into potentially illegal indirect donations made by lobbyists.

But the most baffling was Premier Christy Clark taking a $50,000 a year stipend from her party. That means she was being paid directly by her party’s donors.

Why did Clark accept – for her entire term in office – the extra salary as leader of the Liberals? As premier of B.C., she already makes $195,000 a year.

Keep in mind that the average annual salary in B.C. is about $54,800. The median family income is $76,770. So with an income as premier that is already almost four times higher than the average British Columbian’s income, Clark needed a further top up?

The wretched truth is that people in power and in proximity to power start to believe that they’re not just doing an important job, but that they are important. They tell themselves they’re indispensable, that they are unique, elite.

And if they’re so special, don’t they deserve to be paid extremely well for their oh-so-vital work?

When we go to the polls, we want to pick people who will do a good job of managing the many functions of government.

But one of the principles of democracy is that our leaders are not that special. They are ordinary people we have hired to do a job. If they don’t like the pay, maybe they can look for another job – elsewhere.

— Black Press

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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