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Teacher demands insane

Reader believes teachers get plenty of pay and benefits as things stand.

The present BCTF demands border on insanity. Do the math.

There are five hundred thousand students and forty thousand teachers, in the public school system today. Divide the amount of teachers into the amount of students and you come up with a twelve point five students per teacher.

This means that twenty thousand teachers could take care of twenty four (ed: sic) students per class.

My question is, what are the other twenty thousand teachers doing besides collecting a good pay check each month? Now they want a five thousand signing bonus plus smaller class sizes too?

Come on folks, grab a brain. First you waste the summer holiday season that should have been used for negotiations. Now you use kids as pawns to meet your demands. Disgusting indeed.

Think. Where else can you get a good paying job with three months holidays each year?

Gertie Pool
