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Who has lived in hell?

Dear editor,

Re: Two weeks jail for accessing child porn in Port Alice, March 31, Comments made regarding the “hell” that David Morgan has supposedly lived through in the last two years are completely unfair as it could be no worse than that of the families that live in the neighborhood with children between the ages of 6 and 10. For two summers I have had to be concerned that he may be “turned on” by my young children as they play in the sprinkler or run around the shared yard that backs both of our houses. Dave was a man who held a high level of trust by parents and children. He has been to every community event for years. This is a man that my children called uncle, were told was a safe person to run to in an emergency, and has been a family friend for over a decade - and I put him through hell? Why am I being judged for being upset when the security I feel raising my children in a small community was taken away in such a brutal way. This was not an accident, Dave chose to look at those pictures, chose to use work time to pleasure himself, and chose to use pictures of young children to do it.  I am upset that the article paints a sob story for him and that the judge seemed not to care about the impact it has had on our community. We are not evil people and we do not deserve to be painted as such.

Tanya Spafford

Port Alice

Editor's note: Morgan was convicted of accessing child pornography only, and there is no evidence that any child was at risk on his account nor that he made or distributed child pornography.