Baseball players and fans of the sport from all over Vancouver Island came together for Sointula's 20th annual Men's Baseball Tournament, held May 21-23 at the Sointula Baseball Field.
The all weekend long tournament featured six men's baseball teams battling it out to see who would be crowned the rightful champion, and it was the "smoothest running and best tournament in awhile," said Susan Harvey, chair of the Sointula Recreation Association.
"All the funds raised during the weekend from the concession, the beer garden, the 50/50 draws, and the sports team themed dance Saturday night went to the Rec. Association," added Campbell Wilson, one of the organizers. "The entire weekend was a very successful fundraiser."
Local Sointula photographer Jeff Jones was in attendance taking photos at the games and he stated that "this is the biggest event of the year for Sointula. Rec. is us, we put this on for ourselves."
Results are as follows:The Port McNeill Rangers tied the Sointula Gentlemen for 5th place.The Comox Potatoes took 4th place.The Sointula Young Guns took 3rd place.The Hyde Creek Hillbilly's narrowly defeated the Island Posse 4-2 in the finals of what turned out to be a very action packed game to to end the festivities for the weekend.