LANGLEY: The gift of a hearing aid
Langley resident Art Paley received the gift of hearing this week, after losing his hearing aid in an apartment fire last month. See more >
OAK BAY: Thousands of ladybugs released to fight aphids
And Oak Bay parks staff put 70,000 ladybugs to work in a fight against seasonal peak of aphids. See more >
VANCOUVER: Sea lion on the mend after getting shot in the face
A California sea lion named Senor Cinco is recovering under the watchful eyes of doctors and staff at the Vancouver Aquarium Mammal Rescue centre, after it was found last week suffering from gunshot wounds to the face. See more >
CAMPBELL RIVER: Wonder Willow beats cancer
She’s been fighting for her life almost since the day she was born, but much to the excitement of her family and the community of Campbell River, Baby Willow has beaten cancer. See more >
NELSON: Ziplining through the tree tops
Too scared of heights to zipline yourself? Tag along with Nelson Star reporter Will Johnson on his first hand account through the tree tops. See more >