Bottom fishing certainly has been tough for the last few days due to the strong tides. Halibut are definitely keying in on salmon scraps for bait as well as herring. Salmon fishing has been on and off, but there still has been some good catches coming across the docks. Anchovies, Coyote spoons and Lahr Jensen Flash Flies all continue to produce both Chinook and Coho salmon. Watch your fish finder for signs of bait and Salmon and put your gear in the zone.
The film crew from BC Outdoors Sport fishing TV paid another visit to Port Hardy last weekend. Host Mike Mitchell and cameraman Kirk Gilchrist spent two days filming salmon fishing adventures on the North Island with yours truly. This has become an annual visit for the show promoting the excellent angling Port Hardy has to offer. Host Mike Mitchell listed Port Hardy as one of his favorite places to fish due to the large and diverse area, as well as the many species to angle for. “I usually film a couple of shows here each summer” said Mitchell who is also the editor of BC Outdoors magazine. He also added “the community has always treated me very well and has always been hospitable”. The show, which is currently filming for season 8, airs every Sunday on CHEK TV at 6am and noon. You can also catch the show on Wild TV and WFN. For those of you on Facebook, the page for the show is BC Outdoor Sport Fishing TV, and BCOSF on Instagram. The episodes will air starting October 2017.
Until next time promote conservation, and remember “pictures last longer than fillets” practice catch and release.