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Un-friend local bears

Un-friend local bears

Bear Aware

A glass half full

You win some and you lose some . . . or do you?

Weather prediction

According to Environment Canada and all their high tech wizardry, this was supposed to be the winter of La Nina. Remember all those bone chilling warnings. It may yet come to pass. The Farmer’s Almanac predicted a low to medium La Nina which is closer to the truth to date.
Alive and flipping

Alive and flipping

Hornsby crawler seeks new home

Hornsby crawler seeks new home

A one-of-a-kind steam tractor is in search of a loving home. Rather, the North Island Historical Society is looking for a home for its 100-year old Hornsby crawler steam tractor.
Beach highlights the wild west coast

Beach highlights the wild west coast

On the Pacific Ocean side of Vancouver Island, a huge inlet makes its way northeastward, extending arms in every direction. At its mouth it is scarcely discernible from the open ocean and boasts headlands with surf that will “knock your socks off”.
Cain racers are able

Cain racers are able

A bit of rain did nothing to dampen the spirits of 75 competitors who took part Saturday in the annual Cain Cup and adult races of Winterfest at Mount Cain ski area.
Who you callin’ bird brain

Who you callin’ bird brain

Waking up to a dreary December morning, still half asleep, stumbling out to fill the bird feeders. I shocked a great blue heron into flight. It had been a motionless giant by the pond just moments before. Now, berating me with it’s harsh squawks as it flew onto a neighbour’s roof. It was definitely the highlight of birds visiting to feed that day, except sadly there was no feed for him.