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Province settles with fired drug researchers

Province settles with fired drug researchers

William and Rebecca Warburton are the last to settle 2012 dispute that saw eight drug researchers fired in error
Hydro, ICBC, MSP fees up in 2016

Hydro, ICBC, MSP fees up in 2016

Premier Christy Clark's government has intervened in BC Hydro and car insurance rates, medical premiums up 40 per cent since 2010

CEO of the Aboriginal Tourism Association of BC guest speaker

The new Chief Executive Officer of the Aboriginal Tourism Association of B.C. will be a guest speaker at the North Island Tourism Forum.

Port Hardy RCMP still investigating

The Port Hardy RCMP are still investigating the previously reported broken window incident.

Port Alice holds Economic Development Strategy

The last public Port of Potential Economic Development Strategy meeting was held Dec. 14 in Port Alice.
B.C. Liberal staffer quits, faces charges in Ontario

B.C. Liberal staffer quits, faces charges in Ontario

Charges against Laura Miller and another former Dalton McGuinty staffer relate to erased computer records, cancelled power plants

Gas prices in Port Alice on the rise

Gas prices in Port Alice might be on the rise, as Port Alice Gas Inc. has requested a change in rates

No gunshots fired at school

Contrary to social media reports, no gunshots were fired at a school in Port Hardy.
Premier bans political interference in records

Premier bans political interference in records

Premier Christy Clark stops practice of ministers, political staff triple-deleting emails, promises 'duty to document' government business

Record high Christmas Hamper Fund applications

Applications to the Gazette Christmas Hamper Fund are at a record high this year.